Local Search Marketing Boot Camp

Held From Maui Over The Internet

Attention: Local Business Owners…

Generate New Business from the Most Valuable Real Estate on the Internet! … and do it for FREE

At the end of this unique, one-on-one, Local Search Marketing Boot Camp, you’ll walk away with the most optimized, most compelling, most competition-crushing local business listing in your market!

You’ve probably heard by now that the Yellow Pages are dead… the Internet is where the action is now.

As a result, as a local business owner, you no longer just have to deal with the Yellow Pages reps pestering you to run yet more ridiculously expensive ads that no one is ever going to see.

Now there’s a whole new assortment of sales people from local search directories, social media experts and online yellow pages reps making all sorts of claims about how many leads they can throw your way if you just sign up for their services (at some ridiculously high monthly fee).

But did you know this?

You can get your business listed on the most coveted piece of real estate on the web, the place that more of your prospects turn to when looking for a local business than any other source, the place that has become the new Yellow Pages for millions of people…for FREE?!

Google, Yahoo!, Bing and More

That’s right. Google Maps, Yahoo! Local, Bing Maps and a host of other very popular sites is where the action is now. When your prospects go to these sites and look for a local business like yours, a listing of local businesses appear … and they don’t appear in alphabetical order like they do on the Yellow Pages.

And it’s as simple as this … either your business is listed on page one, drawing the eyeballs of your prospects – or your competitors are.

Bob and Josh Sommers are local search marketing experts who have a history of helping business owners convert their business listing into a never ending flow of new customers. They know first hand what effective local search marketing means for the local businesses who take FULL advantage of this free service.

Posetek Appliance – Ft. Myers Florida

One of our many customers, Joe Pose of Posetek Appliance in Fort Myers, Florida was going out of business. He was told by his largest lead generating source (Whirlpool) that they were going to stop providing him with 40% of his business.

After optimizing his business listing on Google, Yahoo and Bing for his target audience he was not only able to avoid bankruptcy, but he opened a second office in Naples, Florida to handle all the new business he was generating over the Internet … and he did it without spending a dime on advertising.

Uptown Automotive – Maui, HI

Dave Schelfe, owner of Uptown Automotive on Maui knows the value of Google Maps. Last year he decided to create a discount coupon on Google to attract new customers while at the same time dropping his $500/month Yellow Page listing.

Result: Dave gave away $20,000 in coupon savings to his customers in 2010 while saving $6,000 in Yellow Page ads (just think how much business he had to generate by giving away that much in coupons!).

Regal Car Rental – Ft. Myers Florida

Tom Kindelan of Regal Car Rental in Fort Myers Florida was receiving 50 calls a month prior to jumping on the Google Maps bandwagon. Today, less than 10 months later, he is having to turn down 50 callers a day because he can not meet the demand. Better yet, many of Toms leads are coming from sites other than Google … again, for FREE.

The Dirty Little Secret of Local Search

While working with local business owners like Joe and Tom and Dave over the years we’ve noticed a striking pattern. The business owners who take an active role in their local search marketing efforts are the ones who get the best results.

You see, no one knows your business like you do.

And because of that, the only person who is 100% qualified to effectively market your business is you. No local search marketing company can do it successfully without your full participation and understanding of the process. Not even the local search marketing experts here at VizOnTheNet.

New Program – Better Results

Because we’ve learned this lesson, we’ve decided to create a program, unlike any other, to help local business owners like yourself claim, optimize and publicize your company’s Place Page on Google, Yahoo, Bing and dozens of other highly search sites.

The boot camp is not just about teaching you all our secrets for creating a compelling business listing that has the best chance of getting to the top of the rankings.

It’s about rolling up our sleeves and going through the comprehensive step-by-step process together.

And here’s the best part. When you’re finished, all of the hard work will be done!

We used to charge well over $1000 to do a fraction of what you’ll accomplish at the boot camp. During our time together we’re going to show you the exact process we use … all the steps … all the secrets … to create the most optimized, compelling business listing possible and get it ranked as high as possible on multiple sites including Google.

Here’s what you’ll accomplish at the boot camp

  • How to easily find the most used words and phrases your prospects are typing into Google RIGHT NOW to find you (get this part wrong and the rest of your efforts won’t matter.)
  • What it takes to claim your free business listing on Google, Yahoo! and Bing and how to make your listing the most optimized and compelling business listing out there.
  • The magical resource that will submit your business listing to over 60+ other local search sites so your business will be listed everywhere your prospects may be looking for you (this one tip can save you hours and hours of work!)
  • The secrets to using photos (and videos) to make your listing irresistible to prospects AND Google
  • How to “spy” on your competition and use the information both on and off their Place Pages to your advantage.
  • An easy way to quickly generate 5 star reviews on the most popular review sites.
  • The essentials of SEO on your website and how it affects your local business ranking on Google (3 months ago this didn’t matter, but due to recent changes, it’s essential you know about this!)

The Big News
* Your success in getting your business listing to show up high on the first page of results has very little to do with the information you provide on your business listing. It has to do with the dozens of little things you do elsewhere.

Now don’t just expect to sit back at this boot camp, take notes and absorb all this information for use in the future. We’re going to be optimizing your business listing together.

And at the end of the program, your local business listing will be claimed, optimized, posted and poised to attract new and profitable customers!

Less Than Half The Price We Charge To Do It For You

We used to charge well over $1,000 to do a fraction of what you’ll accomplish at the boot camp. So, what do we charge to teach you all our secrets, and get more accomplished on your business listing with your involvement than we could could ever do on our own?

The investment for this boot camp is just $697. That’s a one time fee. And for that you’re going to walk away with an optimized local business listing on a number of key websites and know how to do it for any additional locations you have or businesses you may own.

And, we think this is so important, that if you want to have your office manager or marketing manager participate, you can include them at no extra charge!

Compare the Price

Compare that pricing to what it costs each MONTH to run an ad in the Yellow Pages … or do direct mail … or place ads in the newspaper, TV or on the radio. Compare that to the ongoing cost of hiring, training and maintaining an outside salesperson.

For this one-time investment, you’ll end up with the most compelling listing in your market poised to attract the eyeballs of your prospects no matter where they look for the products and services you offer.

And Understand This

It’s estimated that only about 12% of local businesses have claimed their Place Page on Google and even fewer have done the same on Yahoo and Bing. Worse yet, only a fraction of a percent have optimized their listing correctly. But that’s not going to be the case much longer. Your competition isn’t going to remain in the dark about this forever.

More and more businesses are figuring out that the Yellow Pages aren’t working and are shifting their attention online.

There is a limited opportunity here to take advantage of their continued ignorance.  What you do and learn at this Local Search Marketing Boot Camp will put you light years ahead of your competitors – at least 88% of whom still have no clue about what they’re missing.

You have the opportunity to stake your claim now and build such a huge head start over your competition, it’ll be nearly impossible for them to catch up!

Who Are The Most Likely People To Attend The Boot Camp?

The majority of people who attend the boot camp have one of three things in common.

  • Business owners who have experienced the financial rewards of local search first hand.
  • Business owners who have been referred by their friends who attended an earlier boot camp.
  • Business owners who want to improve their reputation on the Internet.

The people who don’t attend, but should, are the business owners who have never tried to find the products and services they offer using their computer, smart phone or GPS device. Once they do, they’re sold on local search.

For more real world examples, visit VisOnTheNet-Testimonials

Call 808-891-0449 first to check for availability and then click the “Buy Now” button above to secure your spot. The information you’ll learn has literally turned around businesses that were on the brink of bankruptcy. And you can put this power to work for your business at this unique hands-on boot camp with a Local Search Marketing expert.

Basic Boot Camp Requirements

  • Must have access to a computer with Internet access and know how to use it.
  • Must have the ability to access your email.
  • Must create accounts with Google, Yahoo and Bing and have access to your user names and passwords
  • Must have IE, Chrome or Firefox installed on your computer.
  • Should have up to 10 .jpg photos of your business.
  • Ability to set aside 90 minutes, once a week for four weeks.

Please do not sign-up for this program unless you are fully prepared to take control of your local marketing.

* As of October 2010, Google changed their local search algorithm to include the optimization of your business website. We will show you what elements Google considers in their local search algorithm, but we will not make those changes for you. This is a very good reason to invite your website techie to attend the program with you.


Bob and/or Josh Sommers, founders of the Internet Marketing Association of Hawaii and owners of VizOnTheNet.com a Local Search Marketing company based in Hawaii, will be presenting the Local Search Marketing Boot Camp for Business owners and professionals. If you don’t take advantage of of this information, your competition will.

100% Money Back Guarantee if you’re not ecstatic with what you’ve learned and what you accomplish on your business listing after the first session. Expect to accomplish a lot and get your money back if you don’t.

Boot Camp Information

Four 90-minute sessions via GoToMeeting on the Internet
Once a week for four weeks
Mutually agreed upon dates and times
New Boot Camps start the first week of every month

Boot Camp Fee:


Call 808-891-0449 today to check for openings and then click the button below to secure your spot.

6 Responses to “On-Line Boot Camp”

  1. john says:

    Dear Bob are you going to video the event – i live in England

  2. I missed this bootcamp, but live in Marietta GA, part of Atlanta. Please let me know if another event or some other option exists for me to learn this info…

  3. Sommers says:

    Hi Marietta Remodeler. I lived in Kennesaw, GA for 15 years and loved it.
    We offer a one-on-one bootcamps via GoToMeeting over the computer. The bootcamp is held for 90 minutes once a week for 4 weeks. It also allows us to cover much more ground than our public bootcamp. The fee is $699. If you’re interested, please give us a call in Hawaii at 808-891-0449.
    We also have A Do It Yourself Local Search Marketing System that includes a PDF manual and website that walks you through the entire process. It cost’s $197 and it’s included with the bootcamp.

  4. T.M. II says:

    Seems as though you are contradicting your business by making your clients self sufficient. Once you satisfy this bizarre need to share SEO knowledge with the masses, consequently your business will suffer in the long run. I think you have to make a decision of being a valued consultant or a trainer…. although commendable; I’d rather have my clients depending on my service like a parasite to a host.

  5. Sommers says:

    Actually educating our customers on how to do their own SEO is our goal. The more informed they are about what they need to do to attract new customers, they more likely they are to see the value in our service. In about another month we will be promoting our new product on VisOnTheNet.